Our Personnel Management team is a morale booster to employees and in turn to management who enjoys employee success. The crew sourced are, well quali?ed as per STCW requirements and having suitable capability for ship type.
Sourcing : Our Sourcing team adds value to organizations by building competitive intelligence, creating lists for future hiring, generating referrals, and mapping out hiring demand and compensation.
Interviewing : Our highly experienced Technical managers, will be gauging the competency & attitude, by having face to face interviews. Approval and consent for suitable candidates / seafarers hired who have been proposed and on con?rmation for the same is to be planned further.
Briefing & Joining : During the brie?ng sessions, our professionals virtually project the overall condition of the vessel to the joining crew. Our managing team ensures the joining plans are made for crew on the best possible connections and proper arrangements made, from home town to destination.